What better time to speak with Amy Greil, KCFB President, about Kenosha County Food Bank and its growth, than during the season of reflection and gratitude!
When asked what the biggest challenge in growing a new nonprofit, Amy responded, “I can say “securing financial resources” but that’s not actually the point…” Amy said the biggest challenge will always be defining a really resonate vision that moves more and more people to “buy-in” to the real work of the organization. When people get to the point of “buy-in,” they will naturally tap into their fuller capacity and identify and secure the resources that sustains organizations. Visionary leadership is so key in this respect.
“KCFB has existed for 21 months now and we’ve laid a groundwork of committed people that are learning to work together for a shared vision. That’s huge. We’re gaining strength and our networks are growing deeper so we can leverage the resources we need to achieve our goals. 2022 is a big year and I feel confident that the organization’s foundation of visionary leadership is coming to form.”
Amy said her favorite part about being on the KCFB board is that she loves a challenge and this is one is the most ambitious yet! She knows Kenosha County can do better by communities in need so Amy commits everything she can to getting people to “lift their eyes” and see a longer-term vision for food security in Kenosha County. It’s an “all hands on deck” movement!
The best career advice Amy has learned is “you can have it all, but not necessarily all at once and not right away.” Amy said, “To me, this means I need to pace myself and not expect that I’m going to find, for example, my dream job, my dream supervisor, my dream salary, my dream working arrangement all at once and at the outset of my career. (I take this to heart with KCFB too—it’s a growing process that takes time.) It’ll take work and patience to “arrive” and so, for now, I do my best to enjoy the stage I’m in while I’m there, make the most of the current role, and look for future opportunities that may emerge with time and hard work.” Inspiring, Amy!
When Amy is not working for UW Madison Extension or volunteering with KCFB, she likes to spend time with her 13th month old son and her husband. Amy then said “but if I’m honest, what I really love is quiet time on my own to read more books (from the pile of half-read books I have strewn about the house) while listening to good music, drinking great wine (or bourbon) and just letting my mind wander in thoughts of making the world more just and more kind.”
Three words Amy uses to describe herself are tall (she’s 6’3!), passionate, and visionary
This holiday season Amy is excited to spend her first Christmas in her family’s new house. She described this as “it’s just so magical to be experiencing things for the first time. What I’m loving the most is sitting on the couch, wrapped in a cozy blanket, as my husband chases our son around on the floor, him squealing in delight… all in front of a glowing Christmas tree. Just love and laughter all around and the haze of a full, contented heart. “
Thank you, Amy, for all you do for KCFB and the community. We appreciate your dedication and passion for our mission and people!