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Food bank fills need, seeks funding for warehouse

It’s a staggering reality: More than half of the food produced in the United States goes to waste. Whether in homes, stores or even food pantries, a lot of food ends up not being used.

As this food is going to waste, there are some who can’t get enough for themselves or their family.

These are the two issues that led to the founding of the Kenosha County Food Bank, a nonprofit that started in March, said Amy Greil, UW-Extension community development educator and food bank board president.

“Kenosha has enough food to feed all of its people, but it’s not distributed in a way to feed them all,” board member Cameron Swallow said. “There’s waste at the top and need at the bottom. The food bank will be a shock absorber for the emergency food distribution system to help manage the pantries’ food supply.”

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