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Board Member Spotlight: Fabiola Diaz Negrete

What better way to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month than to talk with someone who celebrates her culture every day! Meet Fabiola Diaz, FoodWIse Bilingual Nutrition Educator from UW Madison Extension. Fabiola enjoys being part of the KCFB board because it helps her understand the complexity of a project of this size and scope. She says that she is most fortunate to work alongside some of the strongest leaders in our community. Fabiola explained “this is a very unique opportunity for me. I love it!”

When asked what Hispanic Heritage Month means to her, Fabiola answered “It is celebration and recognition of all of us, a reason to be proud. Every year Latinos are recognized and showcased for their important contributions and talents to our society; the types that make the news. However, today I would invite you to recognize the daily contributions of the average individual in our community. People whose contributions are moving this country forward, despite the unprecedented times we are currently living in. We will continue to build this nation as long as there is an opportunity, because that is who we are.

We are la "Raza de Bronze" strong descendants of the native peoples of this continent.

We are "Por qué somos y estamos al mismo tiempo".”

Fabiola still carries forward cultural traditions today within her family. She continues to teach and encourage her children to speak and learn Spanish. They often make traditional foods in the Diaz household using molcajetes, hot peppers, and spices. They are always listening to traditional Spanish music while telling stories and spreading masa inside the corn husks. Fabiola expressed it is one of the most beautiful ways for her and her children to honor and connect to their ancestors.

Fabiola said the best career advice she has learned is “Learning is a lifelong opportunity as well as it is a responsibility. No matter who you are or where you are in life, learning about the world around you will always open your understanding and it really is, I think, the best ways to sharpen your skills to always be prepared for new opportunities. We owe it to ourselves and to the world.”

When Fabiola is not working, you can find her in the garden, planning impossible tasks, feeding people, or dancing to salsa, cumbia, bachata, or rock. Fabiola said “if you play music, I dance.”

Three words to describe Fabiola are funny, musical, and a strong communicator.

Thank you Fabiola for all you do for the KCFB Board and the community. We so appreciate you!

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