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Board Member Spotlight: Dan Taivalkoski

We are excited to introduce you to Dan Taivalkoski, KCFB Board Vice President--and Executive Director of Racine County Food Bank (RCFB). As KCFB expands and celebrates new partnerships in the community, we thought it fitting to spotlight how our two organizations are now working evermore closely together.

How? As of October 2021, KCFB and RCFB are formally connected through a contract to allow KCFB to have a temporary home there, storing our equipment and tapping into his team for assistance with distribution.

More About Dan: As RCFB’s Executive Director and has held that position since 2004 and while he serves as KCFB V.P. he says his favorite part of being on the KCFB Board is seeing KCFB come to form. He has advocated for years that Kenosha County would benefit from a food bank and he's thrilled to be a part of that finally coming to fruition.

When asked how he has seen the Racine/Kenosha hunger relief organization “world” evolve since taking his role in 2004, Dan responded: “Early on, success was measured by the quantity of food distributed and now we’re paying much closer attention to the quality and nutritional value of the food that we distribute. Instead of just providing emergency food, our affiliates are doing case management to some extent, providing referrals to other agencies and educating clients on other resources and opportunities that may be available to help them out of whatever situation they’re in that forced them to seek assistance from a food pantry.”

The best career advice Dan has learned is, “If you love what you do for a living, you’ll never have to work a day in your life!”

Awesome Dan!

When Dan is not working or volunteering his time, he likes to travel with his wife for a couple weeks per year. In the next 2 years, they have trips planned to Cabo San Lucas, Orlando, Hilton Head, Palm Springs, and Maui.

WOW! Doesn’t that sound spectacular? Outside of traveling, Dan really enjoys to cook and he enjoys spending time with patrons at his small business and neighborhood pub, The Beacon, located on Racine's northside.

Three words that Dan believes best describe him are: reliable, resourceful, and passionate

Thank you, Dan, for all you do not only for KCFB, but for the regional more broadly.

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